[afnog] help wtih Linnet

Mark Tinka mtinka at africaonline.co.sz
Wed May 11 17:52:29 EAT 2005

On Wednesday 11 May 2005 16:41, Brian Candler wrote:
> On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 04:28:28PM +0200, Mark Tinka 
> > While currently looking into this, I'd be really
> > keen on finding out any thoughts on integrating
> > Linnet into proprietary and/or freeware billing
> > systems supported by ISP's, especially as new users
> > are added, modified or removed.
> Provisioning isn't something I've included.

That's alright - at worst, I, or anyone else interested 
in that, could sit down and see how to add it to the 
code. Problem is since there are several (closed) 
billing systems out there, and most custom built, I'm 
not sure how effective contribution to the entire 
project would be.

> Turn it the other way round: do you know of any
> existing freeware provisioning/billing systems that
> you would like to use?

Unfortunately, I don't know of any freeware 
provisioning/billing systems (perhaps I haven't looked 
hard enough). The only close-to-freeware system I've 
used was BillMax, and that was shareware.

I fear my current task is integration of Linnet into a 
closed provisioning system.


> I don't want to end up 
> reinventing the wheel if it's been done already.
> Regards,
> Brian.

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