[afnog] Re: Request for input: The Working Group on InternetGovernance

Noah Sematimba sematin at mtn.co.ug
Wed Nov 17 16:20:34 EAT 2004

> And if one thinks that the policy makers and regulators aren't
> going to be involved in the public interest issues related to this
> convergence, that's a very nice dream but I'd suggest you take a
> look at slide 13 at
> http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/presentations/2004/enum-ftra-uganda-rs.pdf
> and prepare carefully your arguments...

Nobody is behaving like an ostrich here in thinking that they will not be 
involved. However we are stating that we will not allow them to hijack it or 
dictate to the rest of us what we ought to or ought not to do. They are 
welcome to be involved and participate but NOT take over the process.

Which is why I would object to statements on that link such as:
"One of the major objectives of the United States, as well as the majority of 
the ITU membership, was to re-enforce the ITU as a leading global forum for 
developing standards for interoperability between today's networks and those 
of the next generation."

"second, capturing the momentum generated by the WTSA for developing standards 
for next generation networks by supporting the ITU as a place where 
industry-led network standards are produced; "


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