[afnog] FreeBSD freeze

Antonio Godinho antonio at nambu.uem.mz
Tue Nov 16 12:36:21 EAT 2004


has anyone had a problem with FreeBSD coming to a halt because 
of flooding of packets to port 445 from infected windows machines?
My FreeBSD is version 5.2 and is a proxy server between an 
internal network and the internet running NAT with ipfw. The 
machine practically comes to a halt when it is bombarded with 
traffic to port 445 from some virus, as soon as I disconnect the 
internal NIC it becomes normal. Is there anything I can change to 
avoid the machine stopping?


Antonio Godinho
B.Sc., MCP, MCP+Internet, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP
Address:Av. Julius Nyerere 947 3rd floor esq 
Maputo - Mozambique
Phone  : 258-82-300392
e-mail : ANTONIO at nambu.uem.mz

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