[afnog] seeking best VSAT connection providers for Africa

Badru Ntege ntegeb at one2net.co.ug
Fri Jun 25 10:52:03 EAT 2004

>1. IPPlanet,
>2. NewSkies,
>3. Verestar,
>4. SkyVision,
>5. Taide.

You list the usual suspects these offer the standard SCPC ( single Channel
Per Carrier) or SCPC/DVB (Digital Video Broadcast)Hybrid. It's tried and
tested and works but still on the expensive side.  

A number of new standards have come up and some new suppliers like GT&T are
offering this service on the African subcontinent. The Equipment costs are
lower but depending on the supplier the quality may vary.

This is due to the configuration, whereas on the SCPC platform you get
dedicated a channel for your uplink, the new DVB-RCS (Return Channel
Service) works on the basis of sharing the channel among a number of other
clients using TDMA.  Thus the reason for having proviso's like "best effort"
in the contracts. 

Depending on what you are looking for these new services become more cost
effective even for a small ISP, since the price deferential is quite high.

During my research I got an offer for 128k service best effort including
equipment for under 7,000 euros for an annual contract.

>I guess it is necessary to highlight parameters for deciding what best
>refers to. These must include (a) price, (b) reliability, (c) flexibility,
>(d) support, (e) stability and such like items. >

Looking at (a) I would say new services based on Idirect or DVB-RCS( GT&T,
Plenexus etc)

For the rest you would be looking at the traditional carriers using either
C-band or KU band.

If you let us know the exact application I might be able to advise you

Hope this helps.

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