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Re: [afnog]FreeBSD problem interface again!!!
- To: antonio at nambu.uem.mz
- Subject: Re: [afnog]FreeBSD problem interface again!!!
- From: Brian Candler <B.Candler at pobox.com>
- Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 09:45:01 +0100
- Cc: afnog at afnog.org
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On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 09:47:23AM +0200, antonio at nambu.uem.mz wrote:
> The interfaces are now getting IRQ 10 and 11 but I still get a problem with the
> interface connected to the internet (xl0). The other interface which is
> connected to the internal net (rl0) is working fine. After I connected the mouse
> the IRQ 12 was no longer allocated to any of the interfaces thus resolving the
> watchdog timeout which was happening to both interfaces when the mouse
> was not present.
So I am guessing that these are PCI cards, and the system BIOS is allocating
the interrupts? Can you please confirm.
> Are you saying I should disable some other stuff like printer
> port or serial port to make those IRQs available to the interfaces? Actually
> IRQ 5 is available but none of the interfaces gets it. IS there a way of making
> an interface get a specific IRQ in FreeBSD?
In many BIOSes, you can allocate specific IRQs to PCI slots. But that should
not be necessary. If it's an ISA card then you allocate IRQs on the card
itself (in the case of 3com cards using the DOS utility supplied)
> What happens now is that the
> internet interface works only for a few minutes and then stops and I can only
> get it going by doing a /etc/netstart. Could it be another kind of problem?
Yes, it could in principle be any of the problems I listed before. Have you
tried replacing your xl0 card with another identical one? Which exact model
of card are you using? Can you show the dmesg output which detects it? I
seem to remember that some older 3com cards had problems, but it depends on
the exact model number.
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