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[afnog]ISC-DHCP config

Hi all,

Does anyone know what has to be configured into the dhcp.conf 
file of ISC-DHCP in FreeBSD in order to assign addresses to 
DHCP clients depending on their MAC-addresses?

I have tried the example I found there which was :

host something {
	hardware ethernet 44:34:13:34:56:67;

Is this correct?
If not, is there another statement to refer to fixed addresses 
depending on mac-addresses?


Antonio Godinho
B.Sc., MCP, MCP+Internet, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP
Address:Av. Julius Nyerere 947 3rd floor esq 
Maputo - Mozambique
Phone  : 258-82-300392
e-mail : ANTONIO at nambu.uem.mz

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