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RE: IP block breakdown

Hi Paul.
The best way for a network manager to design his network, is to get it done himself. You know your network, you know where your network elements and devices are in relation to each other, so you can design it best.
From what I can see below, you have it pretty much mapped out. One tip, just give yourself enough room, so you don't have to do alot of layer 3 routing between the different subnets [the 80/20 rule].
Please remember that for a /25 CIDR, your last valid IP is x.x.x.126. So don't assign, this will be the broadcast IP for this whole network, or for your last subnet.
It would also be a good idea to enable the command "ip subnet-zero" on your router, when working with /25 networks.

Mark Tinka - CCNA
Network Engineer
Africa Online Uganda
5th Floor, Commercial Plaza
7 Kampala Rd,
Tel:   +256-41-258143
Fax:   +256-41-258144
E-mail: mtinka at africaonline.co.ug
Web:     www.africaonline.co.ug

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul [mailto:pademmy at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 1:33 PM
To: ziggy at one2net.co.ug; mtinka at africaonline.co.ug; afnog at afnog.org
Subject: IP block breakdown


pls kindly help me with this task by helping me break this block of IP into three network namely, management, point to point and distribution thanks.

the ip is, I have done somethings here myself but just want to be sure of it, thank.

my management is /28 (16 ip address but 14 useable 1 to 14) starting from 0-15, point to point is /27 (32 ip address but 30 useable 33 to 62)starting from 31-63 and my distribution is /26 (64 ip address but 62 useable 65 to 127) hope am correct?

Thanks very much for urgent reply.



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