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Re: Web mail

openwebmail is cool in that is is file compatible with pine, i.e.
uses the same folder system etc.  so you can switch back and forth.

but it is a mass of perl running suid.  why not just use a gun to 
shoot yourself?  i had a conversation about this with bellovin, cheswick,
and vidrine (freebsd security).  jacques suggested the appended hack i
have not tested.



Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:15:34 -0500
From: "Jacques A. Vidrine" <n at nectar.cc>
To: Randy Bush <randy at psg.com>

On FreeBSD, I use this quick hack with apache+mod_ssl.  Better than
nothing.  /etc/http-jail.conf is three lines, looks like this:


Let's see if I can recall how I set this up.
I believe I did

  # cd /usr/ports/www/apache13+mod_ssl
  # make patch
  # (cd `make -V .WRKSRC` && patch -s) < /some/path/http-jail.patch
  # make install

Then something like this...

  # mkdir -p /home/www/tmp /home/www/dev /home/www/var/log /home/www/etc
  # (cd /home/www/dev && sh /dev/MAKEDEV std)
  # chmod 1777 /home/www/tmp
  # pkg_info -qL apache+mod_ssl\* | sed 's;^/;;g' | (cd / && cpio -o) | \
    (cd /home/www && cpio -idm)

I forget how I determined what needed to go in /usr/lib ... probably a
combination of `ldd' and trial & error.  One also has to set up a few
things in etc and so forth.  I could email you the approx. 900 line
listing of the files in my jail'd apache installation if it would be

Jacques A. Vidrine <n at nectar.cc>                 http://www.nectar.cc/
NTT/Verio SME          .     FreeBSD UNIX     .       Heimdal Kerberos
jvidrine at verio.net     .  nectar at FreeBSD.org  .          nectar at kth.se

--- src/main/http_main.c.orig   Sun Jul 22 11:42:35 2001
+++ src/main/http_main.c        Sun Jul 22 12:22:27 2001
 at  at  -312,6 +312,9  at  at 
 static pid_t pgrp;
+#include <sys/jail.h>
+static void    goto_jail(void);
 /* one_process --- debugging mode variable; can be set from the command line
  * with the -X flag.  If set, this gets you the child_main loop running
  * in the process which originally started up (no detach, no make_child),
 at  at  -4963,6 +4966,7  at  at 
     int sock_out;
     char *s;
+    goto_jail();
 #ifdef SecureWare
     if (set_auth_parameters(argc, argv) < 0)
 at  at  -7487,3 +7491,58  at  at 
 #endif /* USE_EXPAT */
+static void
+goto_jail(void) {
+    struct jail j;
+    FILE *fp;
+    size_t n;
+    char *p, *q;
+    j.version   = 0;
+    j.path      = NULL;
+    j.hostname  = NULL;
+    j.ip_number = NULL;
+    if ((fp = fopen("/etc/http-jail.conf", "r")) == NULL) {
+       perror("can't read /etc/http-jail.conf");
+       exit(1);
+    }
+#define getline(x) do { \
+if ((p = fgetln(fp, &n)) == NULL) { \
+    fprintf(stderr, "couldn't parse %s\n", (x)); \
+    exit(1); \
+} \
+if ((q = malloc(n)) == NULL) { \
+    perror("malloc"); \
+    exit(1); \
+} \
+memcpy(q, p, n); \
+p = q; \
+p[n-1] = '\0'; \
+strsep(&p, " \t\n"); \
+} while(0)
+    getline("path");
+    j.path = q;
+    getline("hostname");
+    j.hostname = q;
+    getline("IP address");
+    if (inet_aton(q, (struct in_addr *)&j.ip_number) == 0) {
+       fprintf(stderr, "invalid IP address %s\n", q);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    j.ip_number = ntohl(j.ip_number);
+    fprintf(stderr, "jail %s %s %s\n", j.path, j.hostname, q);
+    if (jail(&j) < 0) {
+       perror("jail");
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    free(j.path);
+    free(j.hostname);
+    free(q);
+#undef getline

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