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lome worshop

Nancy Dotse,
Kindly advice this jentleman on how to go about this.
Joseph Onyango.
Nairobi Kenya.

Forwarded message:
> From owner-afnog-outgoing at afnog.org Thu Apr 25 03:52:08 2002
> Delivered-To: afnog-outgoing at afnog.org
> Delivered-To: afnog at afnog.org
> From: Pierre.BONIS at diplomatie.gouv.fr
> To: afnog at afnog.org
> Subject: lome worshop
> Message-Id: <3CC7BC47.AAB8B4B4adiplomatie.fr at MHS>
> Date: 25 Apr 2002 10:20:23 +0200
> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
> Sender: owner-afnog at afnog.org
> Precedence: bulk
> Dear sir, dear Madam,
> I'm the representative for ICT of the French Embassy in Nigeria. Despite
> a lot of mails sent to various people in AFNOG, I still does'nt get any
> answer.
> We are sponsoring the registraiton of Mr Obakeye to the workshop you
> organise in Lome from the 5th to the 10th of may. We are willing to pay
> the fee which is 1600$, but we still don't have any invoice of any kind.
> Furthermore, I've asked several times if there is another way to send
> you the money than a bank to bank tranfer to United States, which will
> take a lot of time. Is it posible for instance to pay in CFA in Lome.
> Please answer me asap.
> Pierre BONIS
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