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The Cidr Report

This is an auto-generated mail on Fri Mar 29 23:00:00 PST 2002
It is not checked before it leaves my workstation.  However, hopefully 
you will find this report interesting and will take the time to look 
through this to see if you can improve the amount of aggregation you 

Check http://www.employees.org/~tbates/cidr-report.html for a daily
update of this report.

NEW: Check http://www.employees.org/~tbates/cidr-report-region.html for
the regional version of this report.

NEW: Check http://www.employees.org/~tbates/autnums.html for a complete
list of autonomous system number to name mappings as used by the CIDR-Report.

The report is split into sections:

   0) General Status
      List the route table history for the last week, list any possibly
      bogus routes seen and give some status on ASes.

   1) Gains by aggregating at the origin AS level

      This lists the "Top 30" players who if they decided to aggregate
      their announced classful prefixes at the origin AS level could 
      make a significant difference in the reduction of the current 
      size of the Internet routing table. This calculation does not 
      take into account the inclusion of holes when forming an aggregate
      so it is possible even larger reduction should be possible.

   2) Weekly Delta

      A summary of the last weeks changes in terms of withdrawn and
      added routes. Please note that this is only a snapshot but does 
      give some indication of ASes participating in CIDR. Clearly,
      it is generally a good thing to see a large amont of withdrawls.

   3) Interesting aggregates

      Interesting here means not an aggregate made as a set of 
      classful routes.      

Thanks to GX Networks for giving me access to their routing tables once a

Please send any comments about this report directly to CIDR Report
<cidr-report at cisco.com>.


                        CIDR REPORT for 29Mar02

0) General Status

Table History

Date	Prefixes
220302	107724
230302	107901
240302	107734
250302	107843
260302	108092
270302	108294
280302	108313
290302	108300

Check http://www.employees.org/~tbates/cidr.plot.html for a plot
of the table history.

Possible Bogus Routes

*** Bogus from AS(65301)
*** Bogus from AS3549

AS Summary

Number of ASes in routing system:              12700

Number of ASes announcing only one prefix:      7722 (4357 cidr, 3365

Largest number of  cidr routes:                  714 announced by  AS701
Largest number of classful routes:              1351 announced by  AS701

1) Gains by aggregating at the origin AS level

 --- 29Mar02 ---
ASnum    NetsNow NetsCIDR  NetGain  % Gain   Description

AS1221      1122      868      254   22.6%   Telstra Pty Ltd
AS17557      252       95      157   62.3%   Pakistan Telecom
AS16473      197       76      121   61.4%   Bell South 
AS6595       174       60      114   65.5%   DoD Education Activity Network As
AS4151       257      150      107   41.6%   USDA 
AS19632       94        9       85   90.4%   Metropolis Intercom S.A. 
AS577        269      189       80   29.7%   Bell Advanced Communications Inc.
AS2048       183      103       80   43.7%   State of Louisiana 
AS12302      116       37       79   68.1%   MobiFon S.A.
AS1239       499      422       77   15.4%   Sprint 
AS4323       411      339       72   17.5%   Time Warner Communications, Inc. 
AS4755       215      147       68   31.6%   Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Autonom
AS3908       326      261       65   19.9%   Supernet, Inc. 
AS3464       157       97       60   38.2%   Alabama SuperComputer Network 
AS1          475      415       60   12.6%   BBN Planet 
AS10620       79       21       58   73.4%   TVCABLE BOGOTA 
AS16758       63        6       57   90.5%   IKON Office Solutions 
AS209        317      262       55   17.4%   Qwest 
AS16814       72       17       55   76.4%   NSS, S.A. 
AS226        143       90       53   37.1%   Los Nettos 
AS19834       61        8       53   86.9%   NetForce, Inc. 
AS17922       64       13       51   79.7%   SATELINDO IS THE TELECOMMUNICATIO
AS2149       291      242       49   16.8%   Performance Systems, Inc. 
AS376        117       71       46   39.3%   Reseau Interordinateurs Scientiqu
AS5515       207      163       44   21.3%   Sonera Finland Autonomous System
AS6535        59       16       43   72.9%   Chilesat Servicios  Empresariales
AS6517        98       55       43   43.9%   Yipes Communications, Inc. 
AS3215       172      129       43   25.0%   France Telecom / &Equant
AS5536        80       38       42   52.5%   Internet Egypt Network
AS5416        51        9       42   82.4%   BATELCO-BH

Total      41228    31967     9261   22.5%

For the rest of the previous weeks gain information please see
2) Weekly Delta

Please see
for this part of the report
3) Interesting aggregates

Please see
for this part of the report

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