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Re: solaris 2.6

Have you checked what is in /etc/nsswitch.conf?

Don't know about the static routes - I'd imagine you need to edit one of 
the files in the /etc/rc2.d directory. Probably something like S69inet? Do 
you want to add lots of static routes, or just a default route? If the 
latter, /etc/defaultrouter is the file you want.

At 18:46 21/08/00 +0300, Sematimba Noah wrote:
>Hello again,
>I have this interesting problem. I have just installed solaris 2.6 on a
>sparc netra and my problem is that it does not seem to accept to use DNS
>at all. I set up resolv.conf with a proper name server and if I do
>nslookup I get proper responses the problem is that the solaris does not
>seem to utilize DNS in the other sections like its hotjava web browser or
>ftp thus I can't browse the net with it. Interestingly though, If I use a
>proxy server instead of a transparent NAT box it browses fine but if I
>just set a default rule and remove the proxy settings it just won't do it
>which makes it useless for my purpose since I need to use it to ftp and
>pop and etc without using IPs. Also in solaris which file does one edit to
>make changes to the routing table permanent?
>thanks ,
>  Noah
>ksemat at eahd.or.ug
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