[afnog] L2 channel errors

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Sun Nov 6 05:28:50 UTC 2011

On Friday, November 04, 2011 04:27:32 PM ibtisam jamal 

> for this Ge PIC oversubscription 4:1 the utilization is
> actualy around 920Mbps ,and i can see the RED drops
> ,does this mean that the 1 Ge is actualy working at
> around 800Mbps line rate ?

You can't get 100% line rate on any port or line card, as 
Layer 1 framing and Layer 2 protocol overhead and the MTU 
you support on the port (and your overall network) will 
determine your effective throughput.

Effective throughput will vary from between 85% - 99% of 
link capacity, depending on those attributes. However, don't 
expect it to ever be 100%.

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