[afnog] Re : password plugin for squirrelmail version 1.4.21

Patrick Okui pokui at psg.com
Tue Jun 28 05:29:09 UTC 2011

Hi Arbogast,

On Tue Jun 28 07:43:10 2011, Arbogast Fabian wrote:
> i did .... several .... in vain

Firstly, please go through this page: 
http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#chronology starting 
with the item I chose.

In this case, start by describing what you want the plugin to do. If 
all you want is for users to log in you don't need a plugin. Just a 
working IMAP server. If people can login to your webmail fine, please 
say so.

Then, list the plugin(s) you tried to use to achieve your goal above.

For every plugin you tried, list the exact steps you used to install 
and test it and the error messages you got.

Without the above information any response you get is going to be a 
wild guess (and/or a set of insults on less civilised mailing lists).


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