[afnog] The AfNOG mailing list

Hervey Allen hervey at nsrc.org
Thu Jun 9 15:41:31 UTC 2011

I've just returned home from AfNOG 2011 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I'd
like to thank everyone involved for making it such a wonderful event.

As I'm one of the list administrators for the AfNOG mailing list I've
seen quite a number of new subscriptions recently. Some time last week
the total number of subscribed addresses to afnog at afnog.org exceeded
1,000. As of today there are 1,016 subscribed email addresses to the list.

This time last year the number was around 650-700.

I just thought people might be interested to know that it's a big
community and it continues to grow.

	- Hervey Allen

Hervey Allen      Network Startup Resource Center
hervey at nsrc.org GPG Key Fingerprint:
AC08 31CB E453 6C65 2AB3 4EDB CEEB 5A74 C6E5 624F

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