[afnog] Peering Coordinators Day Agenda now Published

Mouhamet Diop NEXT mouhamet at next.sn
Mon Jun 6 12:57:53 UTC 2011

Thanks Michuki,

I will be coming for the Accra Event.
And really appreciate the effort put forward for the Peering Stuff.

Mouhamet Diop

On 06/06/2011 12:40, Michuki Mwangi wrote:
> Dear All,
> For those of you who are scheduled to be in Dar-es-Salaam for the
> Peering Coordinators Day on June 10th. We would like to inform you that
> the agenda is now published on the afpif website http://www.afpif.org
> We look forward to seeing you at the White Sands Hotel.
> Best regards,
> Michuki Mwangi
> ISOC Africa Bureau.
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Mouhamet Diop
CEO NEXT SA, an innovative Consulting Company
CEO KHEWEUL.COM , The African Registrar
E-mail:     mouhamet at next.sn
             mouhamet.diop at kheweul.com
Tel:        +221 33 821 42 02
Fax:        +221 33 821 82 12
Cell:       +221 77 444 23 50
Cell USA:   +1 310 928 68 13
Skype:      laminediop
MSN:        mouhametdiop at hotmail.com
Yahoo:      dioplamine at yahoo.com

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