[afnog] IETF Fellowship Applications

Lucy Lynch llynch at civil-tongue.net
Wed Nov 17 19:54:40 UTC 2010

All -

If you have young colleagues in emerging economic zones with an
interest in Internet protocols, please pass this along.


- Lucy

>From my colleague Connie Kendig,
Sponsored Programs and Grants Manager for ISOC.


Dear Colleagues,

The Internet Society has announced that it is inviting applications for its 
latest Internet Society Fellowships to the IETF, part of its Next Generation 
Leaders (NGL) programme (www.InternetSociety.org/Leaders). The Fellowship 
programme allows engineers from developing countries to attend an Internet 
Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting.

Fellowships will be awarded through a competitive application process. The 
Internet Society is currently accepting fellowship applications for the next 
two IETF meetings:

   * IETF 80, 27 March - 1 April, Prague, Czech Republic
   * IETF 81, 24 - 29 July, Quebec City, Canada


Fellowship applications for both IETF meetings are due by 17 December 2010.

I encourage you to pass on information about this program to individuals 
involved in your network that have a keen interest in the Internet 
standardisation activities of the IETF.

The Internet Society Fellowships to the IETF are sponsored by Afilias, Google, 
Microsoft, and Intel.

The Internet Society’s Next Generation Leaders programme is sponsored by 
Nominet Trust, the Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en 
Coopération (AFNIC), and the European Commission.

If you have questions, please do not hesiate to contact Connie Kendig 

Kind Regards,
Connie J Kendig
Internet Society

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