[afnog] FreeBSD Server Cluster

Phil Regnauld regnauld at nsrc.org
Tue Nov 9 10:35:56 UTC 2010

Emmanuel Tessua (etessua) writes:
> Dear All,
> i want to create a mailcluster on freebsd. Does anyone know how to
> accomplish this on freebsd??
> Thanking you in advance

	Hi Emmanuel,

	If you search the archives for the afnog list, you will see that
	there recently has been discussions on the same topic.  Maybe you
	could review those, and see if it is of any relevance to you.  Then
	you could come back with more specific questions about what it is
	you are trying to achieve.  "clustering" is a pretty wide concept
	nowadays, which can mean different things at different levels.


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