[afnog] Squirrelmail displays a blank page when launched

Pamela Pomary ppomary at ug.edu.gh
Thu May 27 17:23:13 UTC 2010

:) hello my dear friends, its me again :).  I have installed squirrelmail
from port. i have configured
apache22/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf,/apache/httpd.conf and squirrelmail. i
get a blank page when i launch squirrelmail in web browser like this

i have also installed dovecot(imap) all on freeBSD 8.0. Pls what have i
missed. Below are my apache22/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf,/apache/httpd.conf
and squirrelmail configs respectively:


<VirtualHost *:80>
  #ServerAdmin pam at update.ug.edu.gh
  DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/squirrelmail
  ServerName update.ug.edu.gh
  ErrorLog /var/log/mail-error_log
  Customlog /var/log/mail-access_log common


<Directory "/usr/local/www/squirrelmail">
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Options None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
alias "/usr/local/www/squirrelmail"

1.  Domain                 : update.ug.edu.gh
2.  Invert Time            : false
3.  Sendmail or SMTP       : SMTP

IMAP Settings
4.  IMAP Server            : update.ug.edu.gh
5.  IMAP Port              : 993
6.  Authentication type    : login
7.  Secure IMAP (TLS)      : false
8.  Server software        : dovecot
9.  Delimiter              : detect

B.  Update SMTP Settings   : localhost:25
H.  Hide IMAP Server Settings

R   Return to Main Menu
C   Turn color on
S   Save data


Pamela Pomary
ICT Assistant (Network Administration)
ICT Directorate
University of Ghana
Tel:+233 244 994 020

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