[afnog] .UG authoritative nameserver failing

Graham Beneke graham at neology.co.za
Mon May 10 10:19:54 UTC 2010

On 10/05/2010 12:06, Noah Sematimba wrote:
> The contacts for that particular server are actually subscribed to this
> list and I have been informed that they are looking into the problem.

Thank you all for your assistance. This problem has now been resolved by 
the administrators of the respective server.

Graham Beneke
Systems Engineer      | Neology (PTY) Ltd.
graham at neology.co.za  | http://www.neology.co.za/
Cel: +27-82-432-1873  | Suite 301, Block B, Eva Park
Tel: +27-11-476-1933  | Cresta, Johannesburg
Skype: grbeneke       | MSN: graham at neology.co.za

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