[afnog] IT Executives Summit

Chachi Francis fchachi at gmail.com
Wed May 5 08:59:20 UTC 2010

Dear Sir/Madam,


*Mombasa Kenya 23RD – 25TH June 2010*

The business environment continues to change in response to environmental
stimuli. Organizations that were once closed have become open; their ICT
systems have become open too. Such changes pose serious challenges to IT
executives who have to continually look for solutions to address the
emerging challenges and keep their organizations afloat.

It is on this ground that this summit for IT executives is convened to bring
together experiences, knowledge and skills for continued sharing and
improved performance. Resource persons will be drawn from the industry’s


This programme is expected to be very interactive, driven by presentations
and blended with country reports, personal experiences, and exercises that
will create new knowledge useful to keep your services running.


The program expects to attract participants from the East and Horn of Africa
region i.e. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Southern
Sudan, Somaliland, and Somalia.

The cost of the 3 days Workshop is US$600 excluding VAT per delegate, and
covers teas, snacks, lunches and training materials. Participants will make
own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

Please extend this invitation to your colleagues and networks.

Yours Faithfully

*Program Coordinator.*

Francis S. Chachi.* *MBA (Free State), BSc (Nairobi).

fchachi at gmail.com
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