[afnog] fips error: installing openssl

Pamela Pomary ppomary at ug.edu.gh
Mon Jun 7 13:13:00 UTC 2010

Hello folks.
 I'am installing openssl from ports on freebsd 8.0. In the process it
complains and stops. here is the error:

make: don't know how to make /usr/local/ssl/fips-1.0/lib/fipscanister.o. Stop

 After googling, i had some help to install openssl-fips.1.2.0.tar.gz
which will fix the error, but that too failed with the same error.

Will be grateful for help on this error.

cheers! :)

Pamela Pomary
ICT Assistant (Network Administration)
ICT Directorate
University of Ghana
Tel:+233 244 994 020

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