[afnog] Connectivity to www.afrinic.net-BGP qtn

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Thu Jul 8 12:41:46 UTC 2010

> say i have a critical 10g nyc-lon circuit with $100k a month of
> customers or internal critical traffic riding on it.  it'll cost me
> less than $10k/mo to duplicate it.

yes, i realize this seems like science fiction from the viewpoint of
seacom and teams customers.

>> is there any rule of thumb that can be applied ?
> is the added capacity cost significantly less than the loss risk
> cost?  and do you have the money at all?

one more idea came to me.  will all my competitors have the same failure
at the same time?  if so, remember, you do not have to run faster than
the lion, only faster than your friend.  or, in the fiber failure case,
at least not slower.


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