[afnog] Re : Moodle Course Management system

jnoulaye at yahoo.fr jnoulaye at yahoo.fr
Tue Aug 10 18:22:25 UTC 2010

It's quite easy. Just follow this link:http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_Moodle
And if during the process you get any trouble, report it.
Janvier Ngnoulaye
ICT projet manager
Linux, Windows, Cisco, Web2.0

--- En date de : Mar 10.8.10, Yaovi Atohoun <yaovito at yahoo.fr> a écrit :

De: Yaovi Atohoun <yaovito at yahoo.fr>
Objet: [afnog] Moodle Course Management system
À: afnog at afnog.org
Date: Mardi 10 août 2010, 19h35

Dear colleague,

I am planning to install Moodle for an online Course Management System. I have never used it before and I would like to hear from people you have already tested or used it. Any other comment or suggestion are welcome.


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