[afnog] Internet Exchange Point

Hervey Allen hervey at nsrc.org
Thu Sep 17 14:53:37 UTC 2009

Graham Beneke wrote:
> Hervey Allen wrote:
>> We host a Google Maps version of IXPs in Africa located here:
>> http://nsrc.org/AFRICA/ixp/
>> it's nice to see visually. Each IXP is linked as well.
> You are missing GINX: http://ginx.org.za/

Thank you - I've added this to the map.

> And the *brand new* CINX in Cape Town that is launching soon. :-)
> http://www.ispa.org.za/inx/

Excellent. We'll keep an eye for this and add it as soon as it launches.

Many thanks!

- Hervey Allen

Hervey Allen      Network Startup Resource Center
hervey at nsrc.org GPG Key Fingerprint:
AC08 31CB E453 6C65 2AB3 4EDB CEEB 5A74 C6E5 624F

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