[afnog] Supervisor Mode Change Error on 7609 Router

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Sat Sep 5 01:27:45 UTC 2009

On Friday 04 September 2009 06:15:44 pm Frank A. Kuse wrote:

> Even though I have configured the mwam boot flash access
> which is working but changing to supervisor mode still
> gives error with output as in link below.

> http://av4.africaonline.com.gh/error.html

The link, above, is unreachable.:

Macintosh-9:~ tinka$ telnet av4.africaonline.com.gh 80
Macintosh-9:~ tinka$

> I have followed the diagnostic procedures from the link
> below which still doesn't give me a solution.

> http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_3t/system/messages

The link, above, offers very comprehensive troubleshooting 

I have no experience with the MWAM module, but if nothing 
helps so far, you probably want to open a TAC case.


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