[afnog] Google blames DNS insecurity for Web site defacements
afaf at anrt.ma
Mon May 18 13:58:08 UTC 2009
Hello everybody,
Concerning ".MA", the origin of the "www.google.co.ma" Web site defacement was an attack which has affected The Registrar Online System.
The Registrar of this domain name, believing that the update of NS entries has been asked by the legitimate user, has transmitted an ordinary request to the Registry.
The vulnerability has been fixed by the Registrar.
In fact, the incident was occured in the Online Registrar System, which dismisses any security risk related directly to the Registry system.
".MA" ccTLD
-----Original Message-----
From: afnog-bounces at afnog.org [mailto:afnog-bounces at afnog.org] On Behalf Of Calvin Browne
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:16 PM
To: Bill Woodcock
Cc: africann at afrinic.net; afnog at afnog.org
Subject: Re: [afnog] Google blames DNS insecurity for Web site defacements
On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 03:26 -0700, Bill Woodcock wrote:
> Thank you very much for the detailed information, that helps everyone
> better understand how to secure their operations.
> I've only seen reports of successful SQL compromises of the following
> ccTLDs:
> EC (Ecuador)
> MA (Morocco)
> NZ (New Zealand)
> PR (Puerto Rico)
> TN (Tunisia)
> UG (Uganda)
Does it appear these were co-ordinated?
are these registries running the same software?
having a co-ordinated attack against different bespoke software would be
way interesting.
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