[afnog] Templates

Ian Cook ian at cymru.com
Wed Jun 24 19:55:55 UTC 2009

Over the years, we have developed, honed, and refined a number of
templates to help you more easily secure your routers and servers.
These documents are posted at

They are provided for your use and education - we cannot guarantee
they'll prevent you from being hacked, but they'll certainly give
you a fighting chance!

If you have any suggestions, comments, or requests for additional
templates, please feel free to send us an e-mail to
team-cymru at cymru.com!


Ian C Cook
Security Evangelist
Team Cymru

Work               +1      312 924 4041
Mobile             +44 (0) 797 773 1246
Home Office        +44 (0) 208 291 0112
Skype ID           togglergi

PGP Fingerprint: D4CE 9F0D 77E7 3A66  83A6 3133 CBF4 E590

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