[afnog] New web interface for MHR

Ian Cook ian at cymru.com
Mon Jun 15 21:36:47 UTC 2009

We've had some great feedback for our command line tool MHR (see

The Malware Hash Registry (MHR) allows you to query for a computed
MD5 or SHA-1 hash of a file and, if it is malware and we know about
it, we return the last time we've seen it along with an approximate
anti-virus detection percentage.

We've today launched a web interface for that same data.

In the third episode of Team Cymru's 'The Who and Why Show', our
Chief Scientist, Steve Gill, talks about this latest tool to help
you in the fight against malware. It's available to anyone for
non-commercial use, at no cost.

See the latest 4 minute show right now at www.youtube.com/teamcymru
and don't forget to tell us what other topics you'd like us to cover
by emailing show at cymru.com.



Ian C Cook
Security Evangelist
Team Cymru

Work               +1      312 924 4041
Mobile             +44 (0) 797 773 1246
Home Office        +44 (0) 208 291 0112
Skype ID           togglergi

PGP Fingerprint: D4CE 9F0D 77E7 3A66  83A6 3133 CBF4 E590

'To communicate simply you must understand profoundly'

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