[afnog] The Million Resolvers Project: (Another FREE alerting service from Team Cymru)

Ian Cook ian at cymru.com
Mon Jul 27 15:36:59 UTC 2009


The issue of DNS amplification attacks has reared its ugly head
again in recent months, though the problem itself has been known for
several years.  Unfortunately the millions of open resolvers has
made it easy for miscreants to create large scale DDoS attacks using
a relatively small amount of resources, thus crippling their targets
with ease much like the smurf attacks of the past.

In an effort to try to help combat this problem, we'd like to make
available to the public a new FREE alerting service designed to help
pinpoint open resolvers in your address space.  In this manner, you
can in turn do your part to help clean up the open resolvers that
might fall within your purview.

The Million Resolvers Project, simply put, is a reporting system to
alert you when open resolvers are detected in your address space.

If you are interested, email us at info at cymru.com with a request
including the ASN(s) and/or netblock(s) that you're administratively
responsible for, to start the process of getting signed up for these

For Further details see:


Ian C Cook
Security Evangelist
Team Cymru

'To communicate simply you must understand profoundly'

Work               +1      312 924 5441
Mobile             +44 (0) 797 773 1246
Home Office        +44 (0) 208 291 0112
Skype ID           togglergi
PGP Fingerprint: D4CE 9F0D 77E7 3A66  83A6 3133 CBF4 E590

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