[afnog] CISCO7609 IOS problem-Need Help

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Fri Jul 10 03:38:22 UTC 2009

On Thursday 09 July 2009 08:18:26 pm HENRY wrote:

> Unfortunately after try to boot with the new IOS the
> router ends up on ROM mode with an error message below;

After you downloaded the new code onto the flash disk, did 
you specify (and commit) the boot path?

I always recommend doing so, especially on the high end 
platforms that have multiple areas of storage, where the 
"BOOT=" variable could point to the old path. On smaller 
platforms, the system generally tends to look at the in-
built flash.


> System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(18r)SX2, RELEASE SOFTWARE
> (fc1) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
> Copyright (c) 2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.
> Cat6k-Sup32 platform with 524288 Kbytes of main memory
> Autoboot executing command: "boot "
> Initializing ATA monitor library...
> string is bootdisk:c7svcsami-c6ik9s-mz.124-15.XR4.bin
> Initializing ATA monitor library...
> loadprog: error - program section linked to illegal
> address boot: cannot load "bootdisk:"

Insert your flash disk with the new code into the supervisor 
engine, and while in ROMMON, can you try:

rommon 1 > boot disk0: 

From your post, it looks like you're running the SUP32 
supervisor engine.


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