[afnog] Cannot connect to remote pop3 server - resolved.

Sunday Folayan sfolayan at skannet.com.ng
Wed Feb 25 15:43:31 UTC 2009


A simpler effort will be to update your welcome pack to show them how to
do .forward from their .nl account ... and of course how to cancel it
when they get home.



Shepherd Magumo wrote:
> We have a few clients here originally from nl who travels extensively
> between nl and za and besides our attempt to convince them to have
> additional local mailboxes they insist on using their nl mailboxes.
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Geert Jan de Groot
> <GeertJan.deGroot at xs4all.nl <mailto:GeertJan.deGroot at xs4all.nl>> wrote:
>     > - you buy mailboxes from pop3.zonnet.nl <http://pop3.zonnet.nl>;
>      that means you're paying
>     > them good money for a service.
>     > if that service entitles you to read your mail, using a web
>     client, it
>     > shouldn't matter if you're in australia or zanzibar.
>     > to me, the 'spam/scam' reasons supplied are weak.  i'd insist that
>     > they find an alternate authentication mechanism;  or i'd leave.
>     Zonnet used to be one of the "free Internet" ISP's here in NL.
>     They were funded by advertizing and the (then) Internet hype.
>     Zonnet since have been sold a few times and I'm not sure what
>     their business model is these days.
>     I do know that the telco who currently owns them, competes heavily
>     on pricing and hence may have limited resources to deal with
>     oddball users like you, accessing from foreign places.
>     Like Nishal, I wonder why someone on the African continent
>     would want to use a foreign POP service?
>     Perhaps you should consider getting service closer, or perhaps even
>     set something up yourself; http://www.ws.afnog.org/afnog2008/sse/
>     may be a useful start.
>     Geert Jan
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