[afnog] Best Practices

AFAHOUNKO Danny afahounko at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 19:08:47 UTC 2009

you have to organize your servers according to their security level...
For example, you cannot setup your company Database server on your 
public DNS or Mail server.
You have to separate critical services and Internet Services that may 
have vulnerabilities.

On 12/17/2009 06:49 PM, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
> Hello Benjaim,
> What kind of DNS Server is this? recursive or non-recursive ?
> Mehmet
> On Dec 14, 2009, at 12:07 AM, Benjamin Cobblah wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Is it good practice to set up a DNS server and an LDAP server on the same machine?
>> I have to configure a number of servers including DNS, LDAP, Mails, Database, Security (antivirus, authentication) for about 2000 users and was wondering which ones I could bundle together in one server and have a failover of them.
>> Could any one be of help.
>> Best regards,
>> Benjamin
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