[afnog] logiciel charge réseau

Charlie Reddington charlier at cymru.com
Tue Apr 14 15:04:03 UTC 2009

On 4/13/09 6:08 PM, Dany Mustapha wrote:
> thanks Rogelio , i will try it 
> --- En date de : Lun 13.4.09, Rogelio <scubacuda at gmail.com> a écrit :
> De: Rogelio <scubacuda at gmail.com>
> Objet: Re: [afnog] logiciel charge réseau
> À: "Dany Mustapha" <cristophe06 at yahoo.fr>, afnog at afnog.org
> Date: Lundi 13 Avril 2009, 20h46
> Dany Mustapha wrote:
>> bonjour
>> je suis à la recherche d'un logiciel qui me permettra de calculer  la charge du traffic de mon réseau, pour des raisons de redimensionnement  ,.Si quelqu'un parmi vous peut m'aider sur ce point je lui serait reconnaissant
> Hi Dany, my French is very rusty, so I'll just say this in English.
> Have you looked at the Cacti templates?  I believe that there is one that is made specifically for people in your situation.
> (I will look for it and try to find it for you)
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To add more to this.

You can find cacti here --> cacti.net

The mailing list is practically dead, as I see only a few posts a week
go through it. The forums are okay, but you tend to get replies every
few days.

We are using cacti here to watch tons of things on our network. We
monitor all our switches / routers / firewalls. As well as all our Linux
servers as well (Mostly Sar data).

Building a cacti server isn't to bad, but there's a hard way and a easy
way to do it.

The hard way is by building it from source, and there tends to be a lot
of dependency hoops to jump through. I generally find it's not worth
doing it this way.

The easy way is building cacti off of a centos 5 &  daag wiers site,
which is how I did it. (http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/) Just add his repos
and you can do something like 'yum install cacti'.

For monitoring just your network, cacti is pretty much ready to go out
of the box. You just add your devices, use the cisco template, and
create graphs, and 15 minutes later you are graphing all your network

If you need any help, I'd be happy to assist.

Charlie | Systems Administrator | Team-Cymru |
http://www.team-cymru.org/ | charlier at cymru.com

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