[afnog] config dhcp

GOGWIM, JOEL GODWIN gogwim at unijos.edu.ng
Thu Sep 25 16:28:24 UTC 2008

Dear Sir,
It is possible to do that if you have your network segmented either by
VLAN or Routers/Linux Routers where the Routers can relay the DHCP request
to your DHCP box. And in you Ubuntu you can have separate network/DHCP
pool define for each subnetwork including their individual Default
gateways, your DNS and domain.


On Thu, September 25, 2008 3:38 pm, Dany Mustapha said:
> hi
> can you please tell me is it possible to give  diffrent gateways toÂ
> hosts in our network by using dhcp.
> i explain for example host1 & host2 must  have gatway1 and  host3 &
> host4 h gateway2,
> all that should be doing by dhcp server not by static method .
> thanks in advance
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