[afnog] [AfrISPA.Committee] [AfrISPA.Discuss] Angolan Association of Internet Service Providers (AAPSI)

Sunday A. Folayan sfolayan at skannet.com.ng
Fri Sep 19 10:06:49 UTC 2008

Congrats Silvio and all the other Angolan trenchers!


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Osiakwan <eric at afrispa.org>

Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 08:42:07 
To: <Discuss at afrispa.org>; <committee at afrispa.org>
Cc: <afnog at afnog.org>; Adiel A. Akplogan<adiel at afrinic.net>
Subject: Re: [AfrISPA.Committee] [AfrISPA.Discuss] Angolan Association of Internet Service Providers (AAPSI)

Congratulations to you Silvio and the ISP community in Angola, you  
guys have done well.

Eric here

On 19 Sep 2008, at 10:36, almada_Nexus wrote:

> Dear All,
> The following information was published in the AngolaPress ( http:// 
> www.portalangop.co.ao/motix/en_us/noticias/lazer-e-cultura/Internet- 
> Providers-Set-Association,b30595ab-0afa-4899-be51-0beb4c58b1f2.html)
> Angola
> Internet Providers Set Up Association
> Luanda,  – The Internet Providers (ISP) of Angola will create soon  
> in Luanda the Angolan Association of Internet Service Providers  
> (AAPSI), Angop learnt on Tuesday from an official source.
> According to a communiqué, the creation of the association aims at  
> aggregating the companies linked to internet providing services.
> The coordinator of Angola-IXP (point of internet exchange) Sílvio  
> Almada, told Angop that the charter of the association is already  
> in the State Gazette, awaiting only for its publication.
> Concerning the importance of Angola-IXP, the note refers that the  
> need for an Angolan interlinking point is a certain reality,  
> because during many years the messages among Angolan providers went  
> through various international networks to reach their destination.
> From now on, Angola-IXP has shortened the distances among internet  
> providers. The national traffic, the exchange of messages and  
> services of contents such as newspapers and on-line news services  
> are now done locally with the guarantee of greater security,  
> economy of costs and optimization of the broad band.
> The original version is in Portuguese.
> Regards
> Silvio Almada<artigo_angola_ixp_v4.pdf>

Eric M.K Osiakwan
Executive Secretary
AfrISPA (www.afrispa.org)
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Handle: eosiakwan
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Blog: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/eric/
Slang: "Tomorrow Now"

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