[afnog] DNS problem

Dany Mustapha cristophe06 at yahoo.fr
Mon Oct 13 10:11:00 UTC 2008

do you have a good documentation to setup two nameservers in ubuntu  ( master & slave) ?

--- En date de : Lun 13.10.08, Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer at nic.fr> a écrit :
De: Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer at nic.fr>
Objet: Re: DNS problem
À: "Dany Mustapha" <cristophe06 at yahoo.fr>
Cc: "SM" <sm at resistor.net>, afnog at afnog.org
Date: Lundi 13 Octobre 2008, 10h53

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:00:30AM +0000,
 Dany Mustapha <cristophe06 at yahoo.fr> wrote 
 a message of 72 lines which said:

> Finally the problem was solved,

Far from it! Now, the delegated servers agree between themselves, but
they do not agree with the delegation (the delegation at ".ma" is to
srv{1,2}-blanca.ma. while the delegation at "blanca.ma" is to
ns.blanca.ma, just one name server, which is a big mistake in itself).

Depending in the DNS caches' replacement policy, it may work or not.

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