[afnog] DNS problem

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at nic.fr
Sun Oct 12 19:30:26 UTC 2008

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 10:25:16AM -0700,
 SM <sm at resistor.net> wrote 
 a message of 32 lines which said:

> The DNS servers for blanca.ma are srv1-blanca.ma and srv2-blanca.ma.  

No, this is much more complicated:

* the delegation indicates srv1-blanca.ma and srv2-blanca.ma ("dig
@NS1.IAM.NET.ma. NS blanca.ma.")

* srv1-blanca.ma indicates only ns.blanca.ma ("dig @srv1-blanca.ma  NS

* srv2-blanca.ma indicates two other name servers, both in
heberjahiz.com ("dig @srv2-blanca.ma NS blanca.ma.)

* one of the name servers at heberjahiz.com (they do not have the same
serial number) and ns.blanca.ma indicates
only ns.blanca.ma

So, the DNS configuration is completely wrong and should be fixed
before everything else.

> srv2-blanca.ma is not returning an answer for queries about
> blanca.ma. 

Yes, it does.

% dig +norec @srv2-blanca.ma  NS blanca.ma.       
blanca.ma.              7200    IN      NS      dmns1.heberjahiz.com.
blanca.ma.              7200    IN      NS      dmns2.heberjahiz.com.

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