[afnog] -Squid cache problem !!!

Habib Mohammedaman habibhma at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 09:11:45 UTC 2008

Dear all,

Thank you for your good cooperation ,
But our web server is out of our network outside the country even .


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Dick Elleray at AfriConnect <
delleray at africonnect.com> wrote:

>  Habib
> if the error you are having a problem is the X-Squid-Error:
> ERR_ACCESS_DENIED 0 which shows up as the
> "The following error was encountered:
>    - *Access Denied.*
>    Access control configuration prevents your request from
>    being allowed at this time.  Please contact your service provider if
>    you feel this is incorrect."
> Then the problem is with the SQUID ACLs and rebuilding/restarting squid
> will have no effect.
> In webmin squid module > Access Control
> check that your local IP range is defined, is ALLOWed and is above the DENY
> ALL ruke
> (If your squid box has a firewall which stops proxy acess other than from
> your internal network then temporarily you can add an ALLOW ALL rule above
> the DENY ALL)
> d elleray
> africonnect

Habib M.
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