[afnog] DNS Problem (PTR Records on different subnets fails)

SM sm at resistor.net
Mon Mar 31 16:15:50 UTC 2008

Hi Stephane,
At 02:17 31-03-2008, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
>Bad advice. There is no reason to have only one nameserver in
>resolv.conf and it is not mandatory, far from it, that the local (same
>machine) nameserver is listed in resolv.conf.

The above advice was only to debug the problem and not a recommended 
practice for resolv.conf.

Once the problem is solved, we can have more than one nameserver.  We 
should ensure that all the nameservers in resolv.conf can resolve 
these PTR records as this specific case is about RFC1918 IP addresses.


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