[afnog] mail server

Noah Sematimba ksemat at psg.com
Wed Dec 17 11:22:31 UTC 2008

Have you tried to take a look at

I believe the documentation has all the answers you're seeking.

On Dec 17, 2008, at 1:50 PM, Hyeroba Peter wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Can I configure an interface e.g. my eth0 to be the DMZ and the  
> External
> i.e. FW_DEV_DMZ, FW_DEV_EXT on my SuSEfirewall2 file to point to the  
> same
> device? What implications does this have?
> Also can I have a fire wall with just the DMZ and without the  
> external i.e
> FW_DEV_DMZ and FW_DEV_INT only set?
> Kind Regards,
> Hyeroba W. Peter
> Computer Frontiers International limited;
> Tel: +256 31 230 1800 or +254 41 456 4200; Fax: +256 41 434 0456;
> Cell-phone: +256 78 247 9192;
> Website: www.cfi.co.ug
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SM [mailto:sm at resistor.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:37 AM
> To: Hyeroba Peter
> Cc: afnog at afnog.org
> Subject: Re: [afnog] mail server
> Hi Peter,
> At 23:38 16-12-2008, Hyeroba Peter wrote:
>> Thanx for the help so far, I removed the settings that you advised  
>> and I
>> still cannot access the webmail from my network, though others can  
>> access
> it
>> from outside my network over the internet.
> Although the subject line says mail server, this problem is not
> related to a mail server.  You mentioned that you cannot access the
> webmail from your network without explaining how you tried to access
> the webmail and the error you got.
> I'll make the following assumptions:
> Your internal network is behind a NAT with webmail.example.com as the
> hostname for server where the webmail is running.  The
> webmail.example.com domain resolves to  You cannot reach
> that IP address from inside your network.  You have to use
> instead.
> If your network users want to use http://webmail.example.com to
> access webmail, you will have to have the domain resolve to IP
> address  That means configuring your internal DNS server
> to return a different IP address instead of the one seen (
> from the Internet.  Alternately, you can edit the hosts file on each
> workstation to have the domain resolve to an IP address which is
> reachable from the internal network.
> If you are accessing the webmail by IP address (
> and you cannot get to webmail, it could be because the webmail uses a
> specific virtual host in the web server configuration.  In general, I
> suggest using the fixed mentioned above instead of adding a
> ServerAlias in the web server configuration.
> There are other possible causes for such problems (firewall, web
> proxy, etc).  The best way to get help is to clearly describe the
> problem in technical terms.  That means providing details about what
> you attempted to do, the steps you followed and the errors or  
> warnings you
> got.
> Regards,
> -sm
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