[afnog] Trixbox and Panasonic KX1232

Siwangu Mgata svmgata at sihebs.co.tz
Sat Apr 19 07:07:21 UTC 2008

Hello Zongo,

I have setup outbound route from trixbox to panasonic without success as 
i can only call the receptionist through one of the trunks by prefixing 
0 in my dial plan(0XXX). If i prefix some other numbers it gives me a 
busy tone and hung up.

I can also get incoming calls from panasonic extensions thru the trunk  
and directed incoming calls to one of the IP Phones ( This one works).
I guess there is something wrong with my outbound dial plan.


Siwangu Mgata
Sihebs Technologies Co. Ltd
Ubungo Plaza, East Wing 1st Floor
Tel: +255 22 2461445
Fax: +255 22 2461446
Mob: +255 713480268
Email: svmgata at sihebs.co.tz
Web: www.sihebs.co.tz

Mohamadi ZONGO wrote:
> 2008/4/18, Siwangu Mgata <svmgata at sihebs.co.tz>:
>> Hello all,
>>  I am having problem joining Panasonic KX-1232 PBX and trixbox  running
>>  freePBX 2.2.2 IP PBX. The problem is i can't call directly from PBX
>>  extension to trixbox extension.
>>  trixbox have two FXOs connected to two Panasonic extensions 100 and 101.
>>  Analogy extensions<----->Panasonic pbx<------>FXO--trixbox------IP Phones
> Analogy extensions<----->Panasonic pbx FXS<------>FXO--trixbox------IP Phones
> I do not think dialing instructions will go from panasonic to trixbox
> if you dont setup
> a trunk line
> --mzongo
>>  Panasonic have extension in the 100 series while trixbox have in the
>>  2000 series.
>>  Your help is highly needed!
>>  --
>>  Siwangu Mgata
>>  Sihebs Technologies Co. Ltd
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