[afnog] Interface configuration - IPv6

John Hay jhay at meraka.org.za
Sat Sep 8 08:33:36 UTC 2007

Hi Vincent,

On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 11:06:47AM +0300, Vincent Ngundi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have configured IPv6 on an ethernet interface and get the following  
> error when I try to ping the gateway. I have  done the same  
> configuration on other boxes and it works fine. F1 please.
> ping6: sendmsg: Permission denied
> ping6: wrote v6_address_of_gateway 16 chars, ret=-1

You do not specify your OS or exactly how you configured it. It might help.

On FreeBSD if I see somethng like that, one of the first things I check
is if the firewall is maybe blocking things.

John Hay -- John.Hay at meraka.csir.co.za / jhay at FreeBSD.org

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