[afnog] RE : Problem installing FreeBSD 6.2 usb keyboard

tracy musaza cocko_mirindi at yahoo.fr
Wed Jun 6 07:59:07 UTC 2007

Hello Antonio ! 
  I had a same problem with the same mark of machine, but I didn't success, when I change the machine I final install and configure my FreeBSD Box, 
  did U checks i USB port is actived in BIOS program? If yes...
  Anyway, if U find any positif answer, don not forget to send a copy here !
  Good luck

Antonio Godinho <antonio at uem.mz> a écrit :
  Hi All,

I am having a problem installing FreeBSD 6.2 on a Dell optiplex 210L which 
only supports USB keyboards. It starts up ok, shows the boot menu at which 
point the keyboard works and I can select any option, after that it next 
shows the first setup menu and the keyboard has stopped responding.

Anyone experienced this? How can I solve this? I can not diagnose any more 
since the keyboard will not work.


Antonio Godinho

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