[afnog] change router ip remotely

Frank Habicht geier-lists-afnog at tih.co.tz
Thu Aug 16 17:55:29 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I think i have an interesting problem....
There's a router, far away...
with exactly one physical interface (FastEthernet).
I have no out-of-band access (yeah....)
including no console cable from another machine.

it runs a software called IOS, Version 12.2(15)T2
I want to change the (primary) ip address on that physical interface.
Sounds like I want to lock myself out.
routeserver(config-if)#no ip address
Must delete secondary before deleting primary

first thought:
- copy running-config tftp
- vi on tftp-server
- copy tftp startup-config
- cross fingers
- reload
would that work?

second thought and I like it much better.
- ssh -6 xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx     (log into router using ipv6)
  (that works already! from same network segment)
- remove all ipv4 addresses and put new ones
will that work?

should I provide more info?


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