[afnog] Workshop website -Correction

Evelyn Namara enamara at linuxsolutions.co.ug
Mon Apr 30 17:35:38 UTC 2007

Hullo everyone,

This goes to the person concerned with the site updates..

I was just going through the website and i found something small that
I request should be corrected.

On the link that leads to the E1 participants,
my country is mispelt; so i request it should be corrected;

this is what is written

- Evelyn Namara   Udanda, please make that Uganda.

Thank you so much!

Evelyn Namara
Linux Solutions,
P.O.BOX 26192,
Kagga House, Bugolobi

Office Line: 256 312 278767
Mobile No:   256 782 795320

yahoo chat: evelyn_namara
skype:      enamara

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