[afnog] connection to www.cnn.com

AINA ALAIN PATRICK(TRS) aalain at trstech.net
Wed Jun 7 11:39:26 EAT 2006

> If this was all you saw, I'd say it might be something simple like an old
> bogon filter at their side (given that 41/8 was only allocated fairly
> recently). What this doesn't explain was what you saw previously, which was
> being able to establish a TCP connection but not sending any data
> afterwards. It's possible that some firewall in front of their servers was
> answering, I guess.
> What you really want now is someone on those servers to traceroute *to*
> you... quite hard to arrange :-(

Talk to AS5662.

Are other folks using ip from the 41/8 having the same problem ?? We should 
have some on this list.

AFRINIC has allocated  about 1 million  IPs from 41/8 at the end of april.


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