[afnog] RE : Re: RE : Re: hrobert@iservices.tg

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Mon Jul 31 14:32:02 EAT 2006

On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 11:24:21AM +0200, Charles KOUAME wrote:
> I want to do this to set out again the traffic on all
> my lines. And to also have a backup of my customers
> internet line.

You mean you want to share the traffic between the lines?

The best solution will depend on your topology, and having not worked on BGP
for several years, I'm not the best person to advise you :-)

However, do the three lines all terminate on the same router at the provider
side? If so, load balancing is straightforward.

If not, do the three lines terminate on different routers but in the same
POP? Or are the three lines to different geographic locations?



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