[afnog] FreeBSD compat4X

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Mon Jan 16 12:02:47 EAT 2006

On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 10:39:10AM +0200, Antonio Godinho wrote:
> I have a server running FreeBSD 6.0 and it is running an antivirus vexira 
> for FreeBSD. The problem is that the antivirus needs the compat4x libraries 
> in order to function. I have installed compat4x, and after installing it the 
> antivirus starts normally but if I reboot the machine, the antivirus 
> complains of all the missing libraries like libm.so.2, etc... If I deinstall 
> the port compat4x and reinstall it, the antivirus starts working again. I 
> have noticed that the compat4x libraries are under /usr/local/lib/compat and 
> if I copy the missing one to /usr/local/lib, the antivirus will then 
> complain of another one which is also under /usr/local/lib/compat. Is there 
> something I can do to make the /usr/local/lib/compat visible?

Read the instructions which the port prints out when it installs :-)

See /usr/ports/misc/compat4x/Makefile

        @( ${ECHO} ""; \
           ${ECHO} "******************************************************"; \
           ${ECHO} "To enable the ldconfig of these libraries at boot time"; \
           ${ECHO} "you need to add compat4x_enable=\"yes\" to either"; \
           ${ECHO} "/etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf"; \
           ${ECHO} "******************************************************"; \
           ${ECHO} ""; ) > ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message



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