[afnog] afnog Digest, Vol 33, Issue 4

anthonyc at unijos.edu.ng anthonyc at unijos.edu.ng
Tue Dec 5 08:06:24 UTC 2006

What a valuable material, more comments will follow as soon as we have put
the material in to use.

Thank you,

> Send afnog mailing list submissions to
> 	afnog at afnog.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	http://afnog.org/mailman/listinfo/afnog
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	afnog-request at afnog.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	afnog-owner at afnog.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of afnog digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Announcement: VoIP for development. A free multilingual guide
>       to VoIP (Steve Song)
>    2. Re: Call Termination (Zeimm Auladin)
>    3. Re: Announcement: VoIP for development. A free multilingual
>       guide to VoIP (GOGWIM, JOEL GODWIN)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:37:49 -0500
> From: Steve Song <ssong at idrc.ca>
> Subject: [afnog] Announcement: VoIP for development. A free
> 	multilingual guide to VoIP
> To: afnog at afnog.org
> Message-ID: <4574952D.6050104 at idrc.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Apologies for cross-posting.  Here is an excellent resource on DIY VOIP
> by IT46.  http://voip4d.it46.se
> Regards... Steve Song
> ------------------------------------------------
>                VoIP or the Voice Infrastructure Freedom
>        - Building communication alternatives in Developing Regions
>                  http://voip4d.it46.se voip4d at it46.se
>     4 December, 2006: Stockholm, Sweden
>     "The idea of using the Internet as an alternative to the
>     telephone network is not new, but the software that makes it
>     possible certainly is revolutionary."
>     Today IT +46 announces the release of a new guide to support the
>     spread of low-cost communications in the poorest parts of the
>     world. This free guide to Voice over IP, available in four major
>     languages, is an effort to disseminate the use of telephony over
>     the Internet in developing regions.
>     The 40-page guide targets both technical and non-technical
>     readers. The first part presents the essentials of telephony over
>     the Internet. For those interested in the more technical details,
>     hands-on guidelines and configuration files are included in the
>     second part. The examples provide essential background to build
>     your own low-cost telephony system.
>     The last part demonstrates three realistic scenarios of how Voice
>     over IP can be deployed in rural communities in developing
>     regions. The scenarios cover how to build a local telephony
>     system and how to connect it to other voice networks. Through
>     these scenarios, you will learn how your own local VoIP network,
>     built with inexpensive equipment, can link to the traditional
>     telephony network and other voice networks anywhere on the
>     Internet.
>     The booklet "VoIP-4D Primer, Building Voice Infrastructure in
>     developing regions" is written by IT +46, a Swedish consultancy
>     company focusing on innovative usage of IT technology in the
>     developing world.
>     The work has been possible thanks to support from the Acacia
>     Initiative of the International Development Research Centre of
>     Canada and the contribution of several translators and reviewers.
>     The guide is licensed under the Creative Commons Non-commercial
>     Share-Alike license. It is available in English, French, Spanish
>     and Arabic. Free PDF downloads are available in http://voip4d.it46.se
>     Translators and reviewers:
>       * Adel El Zaim (Arabic and French editor)
>       * Anas Tawileh (Arabic translator)
>       * I?aki C?vico (Spanish editor)
>       * Sylvia Cadena (Spanish editor)
>       * Johan Bilien (French translator)
>       * Martin Benjamin (English editor)
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
>             VoIP o la Libertad de una infraestructura de voz
>      - Creando alternativas de comunicaci?n en pa?ses en desarrollo
>     4 de Diciembre del 2006. Estocolmo, Suecia.
>     ?La idea de usar la Internet como una alternativa a la red de
>     telefon?a tradicional no es nueva, pero el programa de ordenador
>     que lo hace posible es desde luego ?revolucionario?.
>     Hoy, IT+46 anuncia la entrega de una nueva gu?a que pretende
>     fomentar el uso de las comunicaciones de bajo coste en las zonas
>     m?s pobres del planeta. La gu?a de Voz sobre IP es de difusi?n
>     gratuita y est? disponible en cuatro idiomas. Este trabajo es un
>     esfuerzo por diseminar el uso de la telefon?a a trav?s de la
>     Internet en regiones en desarrollo.
>     La gu?a de 40 p?ginas est? destinada tanto a lectores con
>     conocimientos t?cnicos como a aquellos que tengan curiosidad por
>     entender los principios de funcionamiento de la voz IP. La primera
>     parte introduce las elementos fundamentales que hacen posible una
>     comunicaci?n de voz por Internet. La segunda parte esta dirigida
>     a aquellos que quieran tener m?s detalles incluidos algunos
>     consejos pr?cticos y ficheros b?sicos de configuraci?n. En esta
>     secci?n incluimos una descripci?n de los conocimientos
>     necesarios para poner en marcha tu propio sistema de telefon?a de
>     bajo coste.
>     La ?ltima parte de la obra ilustra tres escenarios reales de
>     c?mo se puede usar la voz IP en comunidades rurales y como
>     conectar tu sistema de telefon?a de bajo coste a la red de
>     telefon?a tradicional y a la Internet.
>     La libro ?VoIP para el desarrollo, una gu?a para crear
>     infraestructura de voz en regiones en desarrollo? es una obrade
>     IT+46, una consultora sueca que trabaja en el uso innovador de las
>     nuevas tecnolog?as de la informaci?n en pa?ses en desarrollo.
>     Esta publicaci?n ha sido posible gracias al apoyo del Centro
>     Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo de Canad?
>     (IDRC) y la contribuci?n de los numerosos traductores y
>     revisores.
>     La gu?a est? licenciada bajo la licencia libre Creative Commons
>     Non-commercial Share-Alike y traducida al ingl?s, castellano,
>     franc?s y ?rabe. Ficheros en formato PDF esta disponible enla
>     p?gina http://voip4d.it46.se
>     Traductores y editores:
>       * Adel El Zaim (Editor de la versi?n en ?rabe y franc?s)
>       * Anas Tawileh (Traductor al ?rabe)
>       * I?aki C?vico (Editor de la versi?n en castellano)
>       * Sylvia Cadena (Editora de la versi?n en castellano)
>       * Johan Bilien (Traductor al franc?s)
>       * Martin Benjamin (Editor de la versi?n en ingl?s)
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
>              VoIP ou l'infrastructure de communication libre
>        - Cr?er des alternatives pour la communication en r?gion
>                                ?mergente.
>     4 d?cembre 2006 : Stockholm, Su?de
>     ? L'id?e d'utiliser Internet comme une alternative au r?seau
>     t?l?phonique n'est pas nouvelle, mais le logiciel qui rend cela
>     possible est sans aucun doute r?volutionnaire ?.
>     Aujourd'hui IT+46 annonce la publication d'un nouveau guide afin
>     d'aider ? l'extension des communications ? bas prix aux plus
>     pauvres r?gions du monde. Ce guide gratuit sur la Voix sur IP,
>     disponible en quatre langues majeures, est un effort pour
>     r?pandre l'utilisation de la t?l?phonie sur Internet en
>     r?gion ?mergente.
>     Le guide de 40 pages s'adresse aussi bien au technicien qu'au
>     n?ophyte. La premi?re partie pr?sente les concepts
>     fondamentaux de la t?l?phonie sur Internet. Pour ceux que la
>     technique int?resse, des guides pratiques et des fichiers de
>     configuration sont inclus en seconde partie. Les exemples
>     enseignent les bases n?cessaires ? la cr?ation de votre propre
>     syst?me de communication ? co?t r?duit.
>     La derni?re partie contient trois exemples r?alistes
>     d?montrant comment la voix sur IP peut ?tre d?ploy?e en
>     communaut? rurale en r?gion ?mergente. Les sc?narios couvrent
>     l'installation d'un syst?me de t?l?phonie local et sa
>     connexion ? d'autres r?seaux t?l?phoniques. ?travers ces
>     exemples vous apprendrez comment votre propre r?seau de VoIP,
>     construit ? partir de composants peu on?reux, peut ?tre relier
>     au r?seau t?l?phonique traditionnel et ? d'autresr?seaux
>     t?l?phoniques n'importe o? sur Internet.
>     Le livret ? VoIP-4D ? Construire des infrastructures de
>     communication en r?gion ?mergente ? a ?t? ?crit par
>     IT-46+, une entreprise de conseil sp?cialis?e dans
>     l'utilisation innovatrice des technologies IT dans les r?gions
>     ?mergentes.
>     Cet ouvrage a ?t? rendu possible gr?ce au support de
>     l'initiative Acacia du Centre de Recherche pour le D?veloppement
>     International et la contribution de plusieurs traducteurs et
>     correcteurs.
>     Le guide est distribu? sous licence Creative Commons
>     Non-commercial Share-Alike. Il est disponible en anglais,
>     fran?ais, espagnol et arabe. Des PDF peuvent ?tre
>     t?l?charg?s gratuitement ? l'adresse http://voip4d.it46.se
>     Traducteurs et relecteurs :
>       * Adel El Zaim (relecture arabe et fran?ais)
>       * Anas Tawileh (traduction arabe)
>       * I?aki C?vico (traduction espagnol)
>       * Sylvia Cadena (relecture espagnol)
>       * Johan Bilien (traduction fran?ais)
>       * Martin Benjamin (relecture anglais)
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
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>     ????? ??? ???????? ??????? VoIP
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>     ???????? ??????? VoIP ?? ????
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>     ????? ?????? ????????? ?? ?????
>     ???????.
>     ??? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???? ???
>     ?????? ????? Acacia ?????? ??????
>     ?????? ???????? ?????? International
>                            Development Research Centre of Canada ????????
>     ?????? ?? ????????? ??????????.
>     ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????
>                   Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike
>     ?????? ??????? ??????????
>     ????????? ???????? ????????.
>     ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????
>                                            PDF ??????? ??????? ?? ??????
>     ??????: www.it46.se/downloads/voip4d
>     ????????? ??????????:
>       * ???? ?????? (???? ????????
>         ??????? ?????????)
>       * ??? ????? (????? ?????? ???????)
>       * ?????? ?????? I?aki C?vico (????
>         ?????? ????????)
>       * ?????? ?????? Sylvia Cadena (?????
>         ?????? ????????)
>       * ???? ?????? Johan Bilien (????? ??????
>         ????????)
>       * ?????? ??????? Martin Benjamin (????
> --
> Steve Song <ssong at idrc.ca>
> Manager ICT4D Africa Programs
> http://www.connectivityafrica.org
> http://www.idrc.ca/acacia
> International Development Research Centre
> Tel. +1 613 236 6163 x2268  Mobile: +1 613 799 1152
> Skype: steve_l_song
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:11:46 +0400
> From: Zeimm Auladin <zeimm at auladin.com>
> Subject: Re: [afnog] Call Termination
> To: <afnog at afnog.org>
> Message-ID: < at auladin.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hello,
> We've got one. I can try and help.
> rgds,
> Zeimm.
> At 14:07 04/12/2006, byaruhj at mtn.co.ug wrote:
>>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>>         boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C7178B.F14EB37E"
>>Hello Good People,
>>Is there any one on the list that is running call termination on a
>>Cisco AS5350? How about some one that is conversant with the set up?
>>I have a billion questions ;)
>>afnog mailing list
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> http://afnog.org/mailman/private/afnog/attachments/20061205/84a3ff22/attachment-0001.html
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 08:15:36 +0100 (WAT)
> From: "GOGWIM, JOEL GODWIN" <gogwim at unijos.edu.ng>
> Subject: Re: [afnog] Announcement: VoIP for development. A free
> 	multilingual guide to VoIP
> To: "Steve Song" <ssong at idrc.ca>
> Cc: afnog at afnog.org
> Message-ID:
> 	<1267. at webmail.unijos.edu.ng>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> Thank you for this valuable information.
> On Mon, December 4, 2006 10:37 pm, Steve Song said:
>> Apologies for cross-posting.  Here is an excellent resource on DIY VOIP
>> by IT46.  http://voip4d.it46.se
>> Regards... Steve Song
>> ------------------------------------------------
>>                VoIP or the Voice Infrastructure Freedom
>>        - Building communication alternatives in Developing Regions
>>                  http://voip4d.it46.se voip4d at it46.se
>>     4 December, 2006: Stockholm, Sweden
>>     "The idea of using the Internet as an alternative to the
>>     telephone network is not new, but the software that makes it
>>     possible certainly is revolutionary."
>>     Today IT +46 announces the release of a new guide to support the
>>     spread of low-cost communications in the poorest parts of the
>>     world. This free guide to Voice over IP, available in four major
>>     languages, is an effort to disseminate the use of telephony over
>>     the Internet in developing regions.
>>     The 40-page guide targets both technical and non-technical
>>     readers. The first part presents the essentials of telephony over
>>     the Internet. For those interested in the more technical details,
>>     hands-on guidelines and configuration files are included in the
>>     second part. The examples provide essential background to build
>>     your own low-cost telephony system.
>>     The last part demonstrates three realistic scenarios of how Voice
>>     over IP can be deployed in rural communities in developing
>>     regions. The scenarios cover how to build a local telephony
>>     system and how to connect it to other voice networks. Through
>>     these scenarios, you will learn how your own local VoIP network,
>>     built with inexpensive equipment, can link to the traditional
>>     telephony network and other voice networks anywhere on the
>>     Internet.
>>     The booklet "VoIP-4D Primer, Building Voice Infrastructure in
>>     developing regions" is written by IT +46, a Swedish consultancy
>>     company focusing on innovative usage of IT technology in the
>>     developing world.
>>     The work has been possible thanks to support from the Acacia
>>     Initiative of the International Development Research Centre of
>>     Canada and the contribution of several translators and reviewers.
>>     The guide is licensed under the Creative Commons Non-commercial
>>     Share-Alike license. It is available in English, French, Spanish
>>     and Arabic. Free PDF downloads are available in
>> http://voip4d.it46.se
>>     Translators and reviewers:
>>       * Adel El Zaim (Arabic and French editor)
>>       * Anas Tawileh (Arabic translator)
>>       * I??aki C??vico (Spanish editor)
>>       * Sylvia Cadena (Spanish editor)
>>       * Johan Bilien (French translator)
>>       * Martin Benjamin (English editor)
>> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
>>             VoIP o la Libertad de una infraestructura de voz
>>      - Creando alternativas de comunicaci??n en pa??ses en desarrollo
>>     4 de Diciembre del 2006. Estocolmo, Suecia.
>>     ???La idea de usar la Internet como una alternativa a la red de
>>     telefon??a tradicional no es nueva, pero el programa de ordenador
>>     que lo hace posible es desde luego ???revolucionario???.
>>     Hoy, IT+46 anuncia la entrega de una nueva gu??a que pretende
>>     fomentar el uso de las comunicaciones de bajo coste en las zonas
>>     m??s pobres del planeta. La gu??a de Voz sobre IP es de difusi??n
>>     gratuita y est?? disponible en cuatro idiomas. Este trabajo es un
>>     esfuerzo por diseminar el uso de la telefon??a a trav??s de la
>>     Internet en regiones en desarrollo.
>>     La gu??a de 40 p??ginas est?? destinada tanto a lectores con
>>     conocimientos t??cnicos como a aquellos que tengan curiosidad por
>>     entender los principios de funcionamiento de la voz IP. La primera
>>     parte introduce las elementos fundamentales que hacen posible una
>>     comunicaci??n de voz por Internet. La segunda parte esta dirigida
>>     a aquellos que quieran tener m??s detalles incluidos algunos
>>     consejos pr??cticos y ficheros b??sicos de configuraci??n. En esta
>>     secci??n incluimos una descripci??n de los conocimientos
>>     necesarios para poner en marcha tu propio sistema de telefon??a de
>>     bajo coste.
>>     La ??ltima parte de la obra ilustra tres escenarios reales de
>>     c??mo se puede usar la voz IP en comunidades rurales y como
>>     conectar tu sistema de telefon??a de bajo coste a la red de
>>     telefon??a tradicional y a la Internet.
>>     La libro ???VoIP para el desarrollo, una gu??a para crear
>>     infraestructura de voz en regiones en desarrollo??? es una obrade
>>     IT+46, una consultora sueca que trabaja en el uso innovador de las
>>     nuevas tecnolog??as de la informaci??n en pa??ses en desarrollo.
>>     Esta publicaci??n ha sido posible gracias al apoyo del Centro
>>     Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo de Canad??
>>     (IDRC) y la contribuci??n de los numerosos traductores y
>>     revisores.
>>     La gu??a est?? licenciada bajo la licencia libre Creative Commons
>>     Non-commercial Share-Alike y traducida al ingl??s, castellano,
>>     franc??s y ??rabe. Ficheros en formato PDF esta disponible enla
>>     p??gina http://voip4d.it46.se
>>     Traductores y editores:
>>       * Adel El Zaim (Editor de la versi??n en ??rabe y franc??s)
>>       * Anas Tawileh (Traductor al ??rabe)
>>       * I??aki C??vico (Editor de la versi??n en castellano)
>>       * Sylvia Cadena (Editora de la versi??n en castellano)
>>       * Johan Bilien (Traductor al franc??s)
>>       * Martin Benjamin (Editor de la versi??n en ingl??s)
>> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
>>              VoIP ou l'infrastructure de communication libre
>>        - Cr??er des alternatives pour la communication en r??gion
>>                                ??mergente.
>>     4 d??cembre 2006 : Stockholm, Su??de
>>     ?? L'id??e d'utiliser Internet comme une alternative au r??seau
>>     t??l??phonique n'est pas nouvelle, mais le logiciel qui rend cela
>>     possible est sans aucun doute r??volutionnaire ??.
>>     Aujourd'hui IT+46 annonce la publication d'un nouveau guide afin
>>     d'aider ?  l'extension des communications ?  bas prix aux plus
>>     pauvres r??gions du monde. Ce guide gratuit sur la Voix sur IP,
>>     disponible en quatre langues majeures, est un effort pour
>>     r??pandre l'utilisation de la t??l??phonie sur Internet en
>>     r??gion ??mergente.
>>     Le guide de 40 pages s'adresse aussi bien au technicien qu'au
>>     n??ophyte. La premi??re partie pr??sente les concepts
>>     fondamentaux de la t??l??phonie sur Internet. Pour ceux que la
>>     technique int??resse, des guides pratiques et des fichiers de
>>     configuration sont inclus en seconde partie. Les exemples
>>     enseignent les bases n??cessaires ?  la cr??ation de votre propre
>>     syst??me de communication ?  co??t r??duit.
>>     La derni??re partie contient trois exemples r??alistes
>>     d??montrant comment la voix sur IP peut ??tre d??ploy??e en
>>     communaut?? rurale en r??gion ??mergente. Les sc??narios couvrent
>>     l'installation d'un syst??me de t??l??phonie local et sa
>>     connexion ?  d'autres r??seaux t??l??phoniques. ??travers ces
>>     exemples vous apprendrez comment votre propre r??seau de VoIP,
>>     construit ?  partir de composants peu on??reux, peut ??tre relier
>>     au r??seau t??l??phonique traditionnel et ?  d'autresr??seaux
>>     t??l??phoniques n'importe o?? sur Internet.
>>     Le livret ?? VoIP-4D ??? Construire des infrastructures de
>>     communication en r??gion ??mergente ?? a ??t?? ??crit par
>>     IT-46+, une entreprise de conseil sp??cialis??e dans
>>     l'utilisation innovatrice des technologies IT dans les r??gions
>>     ??mergentes.
>>     Cet ouvrage a ??t?? rendu possible gr??ce au support de
>>     l'initiative Acacia du Centre de Recherche pour le D??veloppement
>>     International et la contribution de plusieurs traducteurs et
>>     correcteurs.
>>     Le guide est distribu?? sous licence Creative Commons
>>     Non-commercial Share-Alike. Il est disponible en anglais,
>>     fran??ais, espagnol et arabe. Des PDF peuvent ??tre
>>     t??l??charg??s gratuitement ?  l'adresse http://voip4d.it46.se
>>     Traducteurs et relecteurs :
>>       * Adel El Zaim (relecture arabe et fran??ais)
>>       * Anas Tawileh (traduction arabe)
>>       * I??aki C??vico (traduction espagnol)
>>       * Sylvia Cadena (relecture espagnol)
>>       * Johan Bilien (traduction fran??ais)
>>       * Martin Benjamin (relecture anglais)
>> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = =
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>> ????????????
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>> International
>>                            Development Research Centre of Canada
>> ????????????????????????
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>> ???????? ??????????? ?????????.
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>>                   Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
>> Share-Alike
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>> ??????????????
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>> ????????????????????? ??????
>> ????? ????????????
>>     ????? ???????? ???: www.it46.se/downloads/voip4d
>>     ????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????:
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>>       * ????????? ??????????????? (??????????? ??? ????? ????????????
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>>       * ?????????????????? ?????????????????? I??aki C??vico
>> (????????????
>>         ????? ???????????? ????????????????????????)
>>       * ???????? ????????? ?????????????????? Sylvia Cadena
>> (???????????????
>>         ????? ???????????? ????????????????????????)
>>       * ???????????? ???????? ????????? Johan Bilien (??????????? ???
>> ????? ????????????
>>         ????? ??????????????????)
>>       * ?????????????????? ????????????????????? Martin Benjamin
>> (????????????
>> --
>> Steve Song <ssong at idrc.ca>
>> Manager ICT4D Africa Programs
>> http://www.connectivityafrica.org
>> http://www.idrc.ca/acacia
>> International Development Research Centre
>> Tel. +1 613 236 6163 x2268  Mobile: +1 613 799 1152
>> Skype: steve_l_song
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> End of afnog Digest, Vol 33, Issue 4
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Christopher Anthony
Ujnet Department
University of Jos

Tel 234-802-602-4597

...I go slowly but I am not backward.

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