[afnog] RE : Re: RE : Re: hrobert@iservices.tg

AINA ALAIN PATRICK(TRS) aalain at trstech.net
Tue Aug 1 14:50:55 EAT 2006

> I want to do this to set out again the traffic on all
> my lines. And to also have a backup of my customers
> internet line.
>  Which solution would propose me ?

It is not still clear why is this exercise needed, 
but after re-reading all  postings(french and english version), looking at  
the config you sent and checking your announces from various looking glaces 
and from http://bgpupdates.potaroo.net,  i  came to the following 

1- You have three links (two to paris, one to lisbonne) on AS5511. all are 
STM-1 link

2- Your three BGP sessions are from one router on your side

3- You are currently announcing the same sets of /24 of your customers  blocks 
to the three neighbors and is receiving defaults from them

4- You want to do loadsharing based on this scheme:

"For each costumer, use one link as primary and the two other lines as backup 
with priority to one of the them." 

I think that one way to do it is :

1- outbound traffic

With PBR ( i have no suggestions)

2- Inbound traffic

BGP with MED.

For costumer X set metric of 100 on link 1 (primary), of 200  on link 2(first 
backup) and  of 300 on the last link.

and please aggregate.

The link below gives you  some hints on BGP multihomming.


hope this helps


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